Little by little the camel goes into the couscous...

08 August 2010

First Things First

To begin I'd like to welcome all of you to this blog. Thank you for stopping by and continuing to read about my Moroccan adventures!

Beginning in September I will be an English teaching assistant at Sidi Mohammed ben Abdellah University in Fez, Morocco. I arrive September 6 and will work until June 30, the end of the Moroccan academic year. My teaching responsibilities are part-time, and I'm hoping to do plenty of travel and exploring all over the country.

Below I talk about some of my expectations for this coming year. Here I'll tell you what you can expect from this blog.

Morocco is a strange place. Literally. The Arabic name for Morocco, Maghrib, is linguistically related to words describing 'unusual', 'peculiar', 'amazement', 'perplexity', and 'odd'. This is a place where donkeys help transport new flat screen televisions. This is a place where rural communities lack running water, but have satellite TV. This is a place where anything, from the price of beans to your monthly rent is negotiable, and bargaining is a way of life. I am planning to record Morocco's cultural eccentricities right here. I guarantee they will be strange, if not entertaining.

This is also where I'll record my trials and tribulations in the classroom. I guarantee I will embarrass myself at some point (most likely at many points), which is all the better for y'all's enjoyment.

I am bringing my camera along with me, so I'll be posting pictures to illustrate my words.

I expect to update 2-3 times per week. We'll see if I'm able to keep up with that as the year grows busier...

Thank you for reading my words and letting me share my experiences with you!

1 comment:

  1. matt!!! this blog is freakin awesome!
    imma read you all the time.
